Company Fixed Deposits

Corporate Fixed Deposits (FDs) in India are a popular investment option for conservative investors who seek stability and regular income. They are offered by companies as an alternative to bank fixed deposits and offer a fixed rate of interest for a specified period of time. Corporate FDs typically have higher interest rates than bank FDs and are considered a low-risk investment option. However, it’s important to thoroughly research the financial health of the company before investing.


Company Fixed Deposits are non transferable. In case it falls into wrong hands, it cannot be misused.

Premature encashment of deposit is available any time subject to payment of prescribed penalty.

Diversify Risk
The deposits should be spread over a large number of companies engaged in different industries. This way, you’ll be able to diversify your risk among various industries/companies.

Wide Choices
Many companies operating in the Company Deposit market. This will help you decide whether to renew or reshuffle the deposit.
Attractive rates as applicable from time to time.

How to choose a good company deposit scheme?
Don’t go for Companies which offer interest much higher than market.
Ignore unrated Company Deposit Schemes. Look at only AA or AAA rated schemes.

Tax Deductions on Company Fixed Deposits
TDS will be deducted when interest payable or reinvested per customer, per company exceeds the amount applicable as per statutory rules in a financial year.

Please contact us for more details. We will be happy to help you.